I, Ambrose Chinakwem Nwansi, was born on July 29, 1960, in Nigeria. I came to America in 1980 by the will of God. Here I met the Late-Bishop Vernon Jones, in Lincoln Nebraska at a recreation center, in 1981.
Bishop Jones, witnessed to me while at the recreation center. Three months later, I met him again on my way to work. During this time, Bishop Jones invited me to come and see the store front church.
It was at the store front church, where I met the Late-Evangelist Dedria Jones, the Late- Bishop Vernon Jones’ wife. After hearing Bishop Jones preach about the cross of Christ and the sufferings of Christ, I was convicted, repented of my sins, and was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, March 1981.
Around June 1981, I traveled with Bishop Vernon Jones and the church to Oakland, California, for a general assembly. Here I met the Late-Bishop Calvin Davis Sr. He was the founder of Pentecostal Way of Truth, and Pilgrims and Strangers.
Also, while attending the general assembly, Bishop Davis invited me to a Holder’s Meeting, designed for pastors and ministers working in the field. During this meeting I received my “boot camp license.” A permit for ministers who are in training.

When the Late-Bishop Calvin Davis Sr. first saw me, he said, “There he is”, then said, “This man is a fighter.” I did not understand these words at that time. Before Bishop Davis died, he sent two evangelists (The Third Orders) to Lincoln, Nebraska, Pilgrims and Strangers. These evangelists told of how Bishop Davis, while preaching about the Ethiopian Eunuch, stopped and prayed that God would send an African into the church, and within two weeks, I was in the church.

The next general assembly was in Los Angles, California and by this time, I had received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The last general assembly was in Lincoln, Nebraska, June 1983 and the Lord told me, “I would not see Bishop Calvin Davis anymore.” After the general assembly ended, Late-Bishop Davis, stayed in Lincoln, Nebraska and visited with our local church.

While visiting us, he sat at the church’s piano, sang and played this song, “Oh sad and lonely, you don’t have to be sad and lonely anymore.” This was the last time I saw Bishop Calvin Davis Sr. After his death, the church in Lincoln, Nebraska moved to Dallas, Texas.

However, the Late-Bishop Vernon Jones moved to Raleigh, North Carolina. I stayed in Dallas, Texas and eventually was pastored under the Late-Bishop Earl Evans of The Free Churches Of God In Christ In Jesus Name, who ordained me an elder at the age of twenty-six.

When Bishop Earl Evans died, I was led by the Spirit of God to pastor one of his churches, an abandoned church, located in West Dallas. On October 23, 1988, I began pastoring. It was also the day after my marriage ceremony to my dear God-given wife, Sis. Sabrina HallNwansi, on October 22, 1988. At this time, she was very tender and timid, but was willing to follow my leadership as God led me.

My wife, now known as Evangelist Sabrina Nwansi, and I continued pastoring and building the membership for a year. We were locked out of the church building for preaching the truth by some elements who hated Truth. Nevertheless, we continued the ministry in the living room of the Late-Mother Minnie Ruth Hall, my dear mother-in-law. From here, we went from house to house every weekend between Dallas and Fort-Worth, Texas preaching, teaching and baptizing souls in the Jesus Name. The church grew, so much that the homes could no longer accommodate the membership. We had to get a new place for worship.

After ten years I was called back by the same organization that locked me out of the church in West Dallas. I was asked to be the Overseer of their headquarters church, a church in Fort Worth, Texas, a church in Clinton, Oklahoma, and the church were I was previously pastoring, in West Dallas. Not long afterwards and with observation, I was ordained a Bishop. This ordination transpired in September 2004 by the Late-Bishop Horace Stacey Sr. Who was the General Overseer of the Apostolic Pentecostal Fellowship of Churches, Inc., of which I was a founding member as well as member of the Board of Directors.

Dissension arose after the death of Bishop Horace Stacey Sr. because of my stance in the truth, so I pulled Apostolic Way of Truth, Inc (AWOT) from this organization and God began to bless us tremendously.

Apostolic Way of Truth, Inc (AWOT) was founded and incorporated in April 1990. One year later, God blessed me to reunite with the Late-Vernon Jones and many more of my brethren from Pentecostal Way of Truth.

Today, I am honored and privileged to be the Overseer of churches in Dallas, Texas, Tallahassee, Florida, and Pentecostal Pilgrims and Strangers in North Carolina, under the leadership of Pastor Gloria Blake who with her leadership and members asked that I become their overseer. Having obtained help from The Lord, we continue unto this day. Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not. To God Be The GLORY.

I, Sabrina Hall-Nwansi, am a native of Texas, raised in Dallas (Oak Cliff), born on July 12, 1965, to Mr. Tom Alton Hall Sr and Mrs. Minnie Ruth Hall. I am the eldest child of my parents.

As a child I was raised in the church and attended Oak Cliff Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Here I sang in the choir for several years until my teen years. At the age of sixteen I became a born-again believer.

On July 12th, 1983, I visited a church service with my Late Mother, Minnie R Hall. During this church service I gave my tender heart to Jesus Christ.

On the night of my salvation, I was immediately tempted by the DEVIL! I will not forget the words he spoke to me on the night of my deliverance, while in the church. He boldly told me, “You are not saved! “You can’t give your life to God because you are too young.” “You have plans and being save will stop your plans.”

The pastor, who nurtured and helped build my foundation in Jesus Christ, The Late Pastor Vernell Stephens, turned and looked at me and asked me, Sis. Sabrina, are you saved? I responded, with shrugged shoulders, and doubt in my heart, then with these words, I said I don’t know. He immediately asked me to return to the altar. As I came forth, he rebuked the DEVIL, and said, “When God saves, you will know” then he asked me to lift my hands up towards God again and ask him to save me.”

Once my hands were lifted, I immediately cried out to God and thanked him for saving me, I knew I was changed. The spirit of the Lord rested strongly upon. I testified out loud, “I am saved!”

I sat under the leadership of The Late Pastor V Stephens for two and half years. While at his church I actively served on the usher board. Here I learned to humbly serve others and received instructions from the president of the usher board and the elder saints.

In late 1985, I moved my membership to God’s Gospel Temple under the leadership of Late Pastor Evelyn Washington-Malena. She built on my solid foundation, I received from Late Pastor Vernell Stephens.

Late Pastor E Washington-Malena taught me how to operate in the gifts of God that he gave to me through the Holy Ghost. I also worked in many facets in this minister. I was the Church Secretary, Youth Sunday School Teacher and her personal nurse/pastor’s aide. Wherever, she needed me to serve, I did so, with gladness and joy.